Good Girl Gone Bad Bitch

A good girl plays small , does what she is told, never asks questions, silences her voice, plays by the rules, and is always putting others first

Until She Doesn't....

We’ve been conditioned by society to seek approval, to avoid making waves, and to be "nice" at the cost of our own dreams and desires.

It’s Time to Shatter that Shit!

A Bad Bitch.....

Is an amazing radiant woman that takes no shit, but owns her shit. She is completely and unapologetically herself. She lives on the edge of greatness and is always testing her limits (in a good way). She refuses to let anyone or anything dim her light. She is confident in her abilities and herself. She sets boundaries and sticks to them. She knows boundaries protect herself, her energy, and her peace. She knows her worth, speaks her truth, and takes control of her destiny while inspiring others to do the same. She is fierce yet compassionate, strong yet empathetic, and embodies a balance of grace and grit as she navigates life with passion and purpose

IT'S TIME TO.......


  • Stop Playing Small
  • Break free from the chains of societal expectations
  • Step fully into the power of your authentic self
  • To Rise and take control of your life
  • Shatter the limiting beliefs that have kept you in the shadows
  • Unleash your inner Badass Bitch

YOU KNOW.......


  • There’s more inside of you—a bold, unapologetic version of yourself that’s tired of being held back by fear, self-doubt, and the weight of other people’s expectations.
  • you’ve been playing small for too long, hiding parts of yourself to fit in or be "good enough."
  • that it’s time to reclaim your power, own your story, and live life on your terms.



  • Break FREE from the good girl mold
  • Own your story no matter how messy or painful it is.
  • Step into your power, and take up space like the badass bitch that you are!

Growing up, I was told to "be a good girl"—follow the rules, don’t make waves, and always put others first. I spent years doing just that, letting guilt and shame run my life. It affected how I saw myself, how I showed up in the world, and the relationships I stayed in. I kept shrinking, thinking if I just played nice, eventually, I’d be loved and appreciated.

But trying to be the "good girl" left me drained and stuck in situations that didn’t serve me. I hit rock bottom in my mid-20s, questioning my worth and my place in the world.

In my 30s, I realized it was time to stop living by everyone else’s expectations. I went from playing small to fully owning my power—and became the bad-ass bitch I was always meant to be.

Now, I live life on my terms, unapologetically. My mission is to help other women break free from the "good girl" mold and step into their power. It’s time to own your story, let go of the guilt, and take control of your life.

You ready? Let's go!

I'm Amber, Master Empowerment Coach, your Self-Love Sidekick and a Badass Bitch!

Hey Girl, Hey!

  1. 7 Online Course Modules: Work on your own lessons and modules each week so you can come to the live class prepared to ask questions and even ask for coaching.
  2. 7 Live Weekly Zoom Calls: Each week we will do Live Zoom calls to go over each module in more depth. This also give you a chance to come ask questions and be coached. Recording will be available.
  3. Digital Journal: Exercises and journal prompts to help you put the tools in the course to use and dig deeper into your own personal journey.
  4. Private Facebook Community: A private community with myself and others in the course. You can come here and ask for help, guidance and support whether it is course related or just general support, WE GOT YOU!

What's Included:

Early Bird Pricing is ONLY $117, however, the price will increase to $517as we get closer to our January 6, 2025 start date. 

Let's Do This

Within the first 7-Days. After 7 Days no refunds will be given.